Let Them Be Kids

LET THEM BE KIDS" is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Press Release by Barb MacFarlane

Funding Support by “Let Them Be Kids” for Fort Augustus Heritage Park

Wow! In less than three months, Fort Augustus Heritage Park will have a “Build Day” With the support of various funding partners, and now with the announcement that we have received a Let Them Be Kids Helping Hands Award for 2010, our dream of having a park where children can play on playground equipment, adults of all ages can exercise on outdoor fitness equipment, and wheelchair bound citizens can have a place to play, exercise, and socialize will become a reality sooner than we thought possible. This award will give a 50/50 match for every fundraising dollar that is raised to go toward the purchase of equipment. We are very excited to be given this National Award”, says committee chair, Barb MacFarlane, “but we also realize there is a lot of work involved.” And that’s where Ft. Augustus and surrounding communities come in. About 150 volunteers will be needed on “Build Day”, Oct. 30th, 2010 to make this ambitious project come to fruition---everything from preparing food for the workers, carrying water, shoveling gravel, and everything in between. . ”.

Our goal is to not only provide a safe and fun place for all citizens to gather, but to enhance that “we can do it attitude”. By having adult equipment and children’s playground equipment in the same general area, we hope to foster intergenerational support and appreciation as well. “Like in the story, The Little Engine That Could,” says committee member, Cheryl Good, “ on Oct. 30th, we will be the little community that did”.

The design of the playground will be the result of a democratic process called dot-mocracy. Children vote on the kinds of components they would like to see in the structure by using tiny stick-on dots. Bel-Air Playgrounds will then use these results to design a play structure that includes features identified as most appealing by the children. The same process will determine which adult outdoor gym equipment to purchase.

Let Them Be Kids is a charitable world-wide program, which acts as a catalyst in building strong communities through building playgrounds in areas of need. Led by founder, Ian Hill, the organization was named by the World Leisure Congress as “one of the four most innovative leisure programs in the world.” More information about this organization can be found at www.ltbk.org.

If you would like to volunteer, make a donation, or for more information please visit our website at fortaugustus.ltbk.ca or call 902-569-3577. This is an opportunity for active participation and to develop a sense of optimism about the future of our community.

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